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Survival Scout Tips

2024 Bird Flu Outbreaks: Massive Poultry Losses and Food Supply Threats

2024 Bird Flu Outbreaks: Massive Poultry Losses and Food Supply Threats

May 31, 2024 | Black Swan Events Food Shortages National Events Pandemics | 0 Comments

Currently, there is an unprecedented surge of bird flu cases in North America that should be deeply troubling to anyone who cares about their food security. Of course, the mainstream media won’t connect the dots for you, but here are the facts: According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 92.34...

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Is the Police State Already Here?

Is the Police State Already Here?

May 16, 2024 | Community Preparedness National Events Power Outages Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

As Americans, we value our privacy. But our personal information isn’t as private as we think it is. Our government has been gathering data on us for years.  And with data companies collecting and selling data to the government, it is even easier for the powers that be to know where...

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Solar Cycle 25 Is Here: Are You Ready?

Solar Cycle 25 Is Here: Are You Ready?

May 09, 2024 | History of Preparedness National Events Natural Disasters Power Outages | 0 Comments

Brace yourself for blackouts and the failure of GPS systems, satellites, and internet connection. Solar Cycle 25 is about to rock our world with major solar storms as the cycle reaches its peak. Solar Cycle 25 began its 11-year cycle in 2019, with the highest level of activity occurring now...

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The Digital Public Infrastructure: A Giant Digital Gulag

The Digital Public Infrastructure: A Giant Digital Gulag

May 03, 2024 | Community Preparedness National Events Pandemics | 0 Comments

Do you ever hear something and think it sounds so crazy that it must be true?  That’s how I felt when I listened to award-winning journalist Alex Newman on “The Glenn Beck Podcast” this past week. He went into detail discussing the 50-in-5 campaign—headed by the UN and Bill Gates—that...

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You Might Be Prepared, but the Government Sure Isn’t

You Might Be Prepared, but the Government Sure Isn’t

April 11, 2024 | Bug-Out Preparedness Getting Started with Prep National Events Natural Disasters Power Outages Self-Reliance | 0 Comments

Data shows that more and more Americans are preparing. The problem is, our government isn’t. Despite the growing—and more serious—threats to our country, our government hasn’t stepped up their preparedness game. They know about the dangers. They're even studying them. Yet, they have no plan in place.  This should alarm every single...

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When Mother Nature Makes All a Fool

When Mother Nature Makes All a Fool

April 01, 2024 | National Events Natural Disasters Self-Reliance | 0 Comments

Today is a day when many play lighthearted pranks on one another. I'm not much into making a fool of people, even on April Fool's Day.  However, there is one prankster out there who doesn't wait for one day of the year, and who always takes the prank too far....

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Should You Keep Your Garden on the Down-Low?

Should You Keep Your Garden on the Down-Low?

March 21, 2024 | Bug-Out Preparedness Community Preparedness Food Preparedness National Events Self-Reliance Survival Skills | 0 Comments

Urban and suburban veggie gardens are now bad for the environment.  We’re not making this up.  According to a University of Michigan internationally led study, “Fruits and vegetables grown in urban farms and gardens have a carbon footprint that is, on average, six times greater than conventionally grown produce.” The...

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What Is Hollywood Really Preparing Us For?

What Is Hollywood Really Preparing Us For?

March 14, 2024 | Black Swan Events Bug-Out Preparedness National Events Pandemics Self-Reliance Survival Hacks Survival Skills Survival Tools and Gear | 0 Comments

On February 22, 2024, I was anxiously awaiting news that my sister-in-law safely delivered twins. The phone call didn’t come until long after the twins had arrived. That’s because AT&T experienced a major outage that affected millions of customers, including my family members. As frustrated as we were, we were...

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Water Wars: The Next Global Conflict Over Diminishing Freshwater Resources

Water Wars: The Next Global Conflict Over Diminishing Freshwater Resources

March 07, 2024 | Community Preparedness National Events Self-Reliance Water Preparedness | 0 Comments

Water wars aren’t new. But they’re reaching all-time highs—and hitting closer to home.  There were 344 instances of water-related conflicts worldwide during 2022 and the first half of 2023. Final data isn’t yet available for 2023, but they expect it to surpass 2022—and 2022 was the highest ever.  While most...

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Ecocide: A Good Idea That Ends in Total Control

Ecocide: A Good Idea That Ends in Total Control

February 22, 2024 | Community Preparedness Food Preparedness National Events Self-Reliance | 0 Comments

People in Flint, Michigan, suffered—and some are still suffering—from water contamination in their municipal water supply. Yet no public officials have ever been held criminally responsible for the Flint water crisis. Shouldn’t causing devastation that hurts so much be considered a crime? Many will say “yes” and claim the crime...

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Digital IDs: This Is How the Elites Take Everything from Us

Digital IDs: This Is How the Elites Take Everything from Us

February 08, 2024 | Community Preparedness National Events Self-Reliance Survival Hacks Survival Skills | 0 Comments

What exactly have we traded for convenience?  Well, we’re about to find out if digital IDs are implemented.  Digital IDs will usher in a dystopian future that poses the gravest threat to human rights we’ve ever seen.  With a digital ID, the government and those companies sourcing the data stored...

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20 Survival Lessons from the Radioflash Trailer

20 Survival Lessons from the Radioflash Trailer

January 31, 2024 | Black Swan Events Bug-Out Preparedness National Events Power Outages | 0 Comments

2019's Radioflash, a movie about survival after an electromagnetic pulse kills power to more than 200 million people in the Western U.S., is looking like a film ahead of its time these days. The 2-minute trailer is not only a powerful reminder of how quickly society can descend into darkness and...

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