Alexapure Breeze

"Indoor air is 5x more polluted than air outside." ~EPA
Effective against wildfire smoke, pet dander, pollen, dust and smog.Ā Add one to your home and breathe easy!

Alexapure Breeze Replacement Pre-Filter
Keep Your Alexapure Breeze Air Purifier Running at Peak Performance. This pre-filter is rugged, designed for a long life with regular maintenance. But if the tabs break or the mesh tears, you will need to replace it to get the most of your Alexapure Breeze's four-stage filtration. Alexapure Breeze Pre-Filter...

Fire & Smoke Evacuation Mask by Ready Hour
When seconds count, this Fire Evacuation Mask will help you escape from fire, smoke, heat, and toxic fumes. Up to 60 MINUTESĀ of SAFER AIR This special hood easily fits over your head and seals comfortably.Pull two plugs, and you automatically have saferĀ air to breatheĀ for up toĀ 60 MINUTESĀ while you quickly escape...