VESTA Self-Powered Indoor Space Heater & Stove by InstaFire VESTA Self-Powered Indoor Space Heater & Stove by InstaFire
VESTA Self-Powered Indoor Space Heater & Stove by InstaFire $97.95 $139.95
When winter weather rolls around and the grid goes down… Heat Is Your #1 Lifeline.   Without a proper heat source, you're one power outage away from freezing—and starving. From InstaFire, the VESTA is a space heater that doubles as a stove!  Includes (1) VESTA unit and (1) 6-Hour Canned Heat+ 3-Pack...
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VESTA Self-Powered Indoor Space Heater & Stove PLUS Canned Heat & Cooking Fuel by InstaFire (Eight 3-packs, total 24 cans) VESTA Self-Powered Indoor Space Heater & Stove PLUS Canned Heat & Cooking Fuel by InstaFire (Eight 3-packs, total 24 cans)
VESTA Self-Powered Indoor Space Heater & Stove PLUS Canned Heat & Cooking Fuel by InstaFire (Eight 3-packs, total 24 cans) $150.60 $230.60
When winter rolls around and the grid goes down... Heat is your lifeline.   Without a proper heat source, you're one power outage away from freezing—and starving. From InstaFire, the VESTA is an indoor space heater that’s ALSO a convenient stove for cooking your meals! Comes complete with EIGHT InstaFire 6-Hour Canned Heat Plus 3-Packs to...