Top 10 Survival Scout Articles of 2022

Top 10 Survival Scout Articles of 2022

According to some, 2022 was supposed to be the year the world finally recovered from the chaos of the COVID era.

Clearly, that didn’t happen.

Rather than recovery, the last year has presented new challenges that only the most cynical prepper could have seen coming:

  • Historic inflation
  • Skyrocketing food prices
  • Once-in-a-generation worldwide hunger
  • Continuing supply chain breakdowns
  • Mysterious food facility fires
  • And of course, worst of all, Russia invaded Ukraine

And that’s just to name a few. No wonder more people read the Survival Scout in 2022 than ever before!

To help recap this strange and tragic year, here are the top ten most-read Survival Scout articles of 2022.

Human finger pointing to shapes in space.
  1. The Fourth Industrial Revolution

In school, you studied the Industrial Revolution. But did you study the Second or Third? And are you aware that we are currently going through the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

As long as humans live and breathe, we will continuously look for ways to improve life. That’s not a bad thing—as long as we prepare for the risks these changes will bring. Read on to learn what the Fourth Industrial Revolution is and how to prepare.


An assortment of soda cans and soda can lids.
  1. Scout Soda Can Hacks

The most helpful survival tools are often everyday items, such as soda cans. In America, soda cans are plentiful. Not only do most Americans have soda cans in their homes, but they also tend to wind up littered on our streets and highways—and are scattered throughout landfills.

While they’re not good for the environment, you may be thankful for a soda can if you find yourself in a desperate situation.


The Chinese flag covered in corn kernels.
  1. Why China Is More Prepared for Food Shortages than America

While you’d think what we went through the past two years would bring a reckoning and renewed appreciation for our agriculture sector, our farming communities are experiencing the exact opposite.

In fact, there’s a war on America's farmers happening right now!

Now, consider the fact that the Chinese government is prioritizing food security. This will put China significantly ahead of America—and allow China major leverage over American supply chains. If that’s not an emergency, what is?


Buckets of emergency food stacked to the ceiling in a garage.
  1. Wait! Stockpiling Food Is ILLEGAL in America?

You might be surprised to learn that your food stockpile isn’t exactly yours to keep. While it’s not illegal to stockpile food, there are times when the government can limit how much you can buy—such as rationing—or seize food or supplies needed in times of crisis.

In other words, we tend to stock up on emergency food supplies in case SHTF. But if SHTF, the government could take your stockpile from you.


A man in military uniform holding a stack of MREs.
  1. 10 Things the Military Invented That Every Prepper Needs

The United States pours billions into research and development for the military. This money is intended for military purposes, such as developing tools for survival in extreme conditions and living off the grid.

Does that sound familiar? For preppers, it should. These are the types of inventions that will be helpful during disasters and in everyday life.


Woman wearing large backpack, group of dogs, house in a field, and Tom Hanks in Cast Away.
  1. 25 Best Survival Memes for Emergency Preparedness

For those of us who’ve been engaged in emergency preparedness for a while now, it’s hard not to chuckle—just a little—at how the world finally seems to be catching up to our way of thinking.

In the spirit of sharing a chuckle, check out our twenty-five favorite survival memes. We hope they bring a smile to your face!


A box of fruit with delivery trucks in the background.
  1. The Top Supplies America Imports That You Can Start Stocking or Making Yourself

It's no secret that America outsources jobs overseas for cheaper labor. But that's not all.

We also outsource a massive amount of food and goods. In fact, we import double the amount China imports—despite the fact that they have significantly more people living there.

The amount the United States imports is a serious problem—one that many Americans ignore. Take time to familiarize yourself with the types of goods America outsources, then come up with a plan to prepare for impending shortages.


Man wearing backpack staring out at the water and rocky beach.
  1. 10 Items Even the Most Hardcore Preppers Are Missing in Their Bug-Out Bags

There are some very important items that even the most seasoned preppers tend to forget in their bug-out bags—items that could mean the difference between life and death.

Check out this list of critical survival items you may be missing in your own bag!


A short stack of emergency food buckets piled on top of each other.
  1. What Happens When They Come for Your Food? How to Protect Your Supply

Unfortunately, we all know people who will not be prepared when grocery store shelves are empty.

And who will they turn to? Those who prepared—because folks who do not prepare will always come crashing in on your preps. If too many people know about your emergency food supply, you'll either have to share it or turn folks away.

That's why it is just as important to protect your food supply as it is to have one in the first place. Click below to find out how!


A man looking at a camera at a rummage sale outdoors.
  1. Top 10 Bartering Items + Skills Every Prepper Needs

If economic times get even harder and we find ourselves living in a collapsed society, we’ll have to rely on the items and skills we already have.

Grocery stores may be shuttered. Supply chains will likely be cut off. Roads could be unmanageable. Threats will pop up around every corner.

What we have and what we can do will become the key to our survival. You’ll want to be as self-sufficient as possible—and not depend on anyone else.

And you may need to barter your way to survival. Bartering has proven a helpful way to stay alive throughout history, even in grim situations. Read more about bartering below!


Like the rest of you, we hope that 2023 brings more peace and stability than the last few years have given us. However, like any good prepper, we hope for the best and get ready for the worst.

In the coming months, we hope the Survival Scout will help you do just that.

Stay alert, friends—and happy New Year!

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