An overhead view of large groups of people walking around a busy city.

Urban Prepping: How to Survive Civil Unrest in the City

An overhead view of large groups of people walking around a busy city.

More Americans than ever live in urban areas.

Did you know that 83% of Americans today live in cities, up from 64% in 1950? That number is expected to climb up to 89% by 2050.

That means when disaster strikes—whether it’s civil unrest caused by riots, natural disasters, or otherwise—most people will be trapped in crowded, chaotic cities.

Not a situation anyone wants to be in.

Unlike rural areas, cities pose unique survival challenges. Resources disappear fast. Roads become impassable. Crime skyrockets.

And if law enforcement is overwhelmed—which they often are in emergency situations—you’re going to be on your own.

Whether you live in a major metropolitan area or frequently travel to one, these survival tips could make the difference between being a victim and being a survivor.

1. Situational Awareness Is Critical

A man checking behind his shoulder as he drives his car.

In urban environments, threats can emerge from any direction. 

Whether you're commuting on a city bus or walking down a crowded street, maintaining situational awareness is crucial.

During civil unrest, this skill becomes your first line of defense.

Practicing situational awareness means…

  • Understanding when you're entering dangerous territories or areas.

  • Being aware of whether you're being followed.

  • Identifying potential escape routes before you need them.

  • Watching for signs of escalating tension in crowds.

  • Monitoring rooftops and windows for potential threats.

  • Noting the location of emergency services and safe zones.

Remember, desperate times create desperate people. Those who haven't prepared ahead of time may become threats themselves.

2. Become the Gray Man

A person in gray facing a whole group of people wearing gray.

Standing out during civil unrest makes you a target.

The gray man theory isn't just about wearing bland clothing—it's a complete approach to surviving chaos by becoming forgettable.

Think about it: If you're the one person obviously prepared for disaster, you become the first person desperate people will target.

Here's how to master the gray man theory:

Study Your Environment

  • Learn how locals dress and act before crisis hits.

  • Understand neighborhood patterns and routines.

  • Know what makes someone stand out in your area.

  • Practice moving through crowds naturally.

Perfect Your Appearance

  • Choose clothing in neutral tones without memorable logos.

  • Avoid tactical gear or anything that screams "I’m prepared and you’re not."

  • Cover identifying features, like tattoos.

  • Keep your hair and overall appearance unremarkable.

  • Consider having different outfits for different scenarios.

Master Your Movement

  • Match your pace to those around you.

  • Avoid sudden movements or changes in direction.

  • Use your phone as cover for observing surroundings.

  • Keep your head level to avoid obvious scanning.

  • Practice peripheral vision awareness.

Control Your Interactions

  • Keep conversations minimal and forgettable. Think: small talk.

  • Avoid drawing attention through loud speech or arguments.

  • Don't display knowledge of survival skills.

  • Hide your preparedness resources from view.

[Read More: Why Becoming a Gray Man May Save Your Life]

3. Stock Up on Survival Supplies

Empty shopping carts lined up against an empty shelf at the grocery store.

The chaos in Portland taught us a brutal lesson: When civil unrest erupts, store shelves empty within hours.

During the 2020 riots, even basic supplies became impossible to find.

This is exactly why you need emergency supplies for you and your family before something happens.

Urban preppers face unique challenges—namely space. You likely don't have a basement bunker or massive garage for stockpiling.

But here's the truth: You don't need a warehouse of supplies to survive. 

You need the right supplies, strategically stored and ready to deploy.

Urban prepping requires a balance between staying prepared and staying mobile.

You may need to hunker down if conditions are too dangerous to leave, but you should also have a bug-out bag ready in case you need to evacuate at a moment’s notice.

Emergency Food

In an urban crisis—whether you're sheltering in place or evacuating—having the right supplies ahead of time is critical.

Rather than stocking up on a bunch of space-consuming canned and nonperishable foods, opt for dry food that takes up less space and lasts longer.

For example, My Patriot Supply sells multiple cases of Ready Hour dry foods that contain multiple pouches per pack or bucket.

The pouches are lightweight, resealable, and can be taken out of the case to be stashed individually in cars, emergency kits, or even hidden throughout your home in case of looting or supply shortages.

They can also be stashed in your bug-out bag, should you need to leave quickly.

Drinkable Water 

In an emergency, water is a priority.

In densely populated cities, public water systems can fail or become contaminated. And stores’ stock of bottled water typically disappears within hours of an emergency announcement.

Without access to wells or natural water sources common in rural areas, urban residents need a strategic approach to water security.

Here are some suggestions on how to prepare:

Bug-Out Gear 

If evacuation becomes necessary, your bug-out bag should be compact, lightweight, and packed with essentials.

Water filtration straws or purification tablets will allow you to find and clean drinking water on the move.

High-energy snacks, a flashlight with extra batteries, and a compact first aid kit should always be within reach.

[Related Read: 10 Items Even the Most Hardcore Preppers Are Missing in Their Bug-Out Bags]

4. Have an Evacuation Plan

A family in a living room sitting together around a coffee table, planning for emergencies together.

Even if you have a fully stocked bug-out bag, getting out of the city won’t be easy if roads are blocked or public transit is down.

The last place you want to be is stuck in gridlock with thousands of panicked people.

When things go south, you need to move fast and, more importantly, move smart. 

Unlike the rest of your neighbors who will follow the masses, you will want to take the routes with the least resistance.

That means having multiple exit strategies—and planning them now, not when chaos erupts. Major roads and highways will be jammed or closed, making them a last resort.

Instead, study alternative routes like side streets, alleys, railways, tunnels, and even waterways if they provide a quicker and safer way out.

But memorizing these routes isn’t enough. Mark them on a physical map and keep it in your bug-out bag in case GPS or cell service fails.

Once you’re out, where do you go? Having predetermined meeting points is critical.

If you’re evacuating with family or a group, designate multiple rally points—one in the city, one at the outskirts, and one farther out in a secure location.

The truth is, urban evacuations are unpredictable. The key to survival is staying ahead of the panic.

If you wait until the streets are flooded with people, you’ve already lost precious time. Plan now so when the moment comes, you’re already ten steps ahead.

Urban Defense & Self-Protection

When civil unrest erupts, law enforcement can be overwhelmed or completely absent.

Your safety is your responsibility.

Whether you’re sheltering in place or forced to move through dangerous areas, having a plan for self-defense is critical.

If you’re staying put, home security is just as important as personal defense.

Weak doors and windows are easy targets, so reinforcing entry points with deadbolts, door jammers, and window security film can make break-ins more difficult.

If the situation escalates, barricading doors with furniture or additional locks can buy you time.

That said, the best fight is the one you avoid.

During urban unrest, blending in and staying off the radar is often the safest strategy.

Avoid engaging with aggressive crowds, keep a low profile, and don’t advertise your preparedness. 

The more invisible you are, the less likely you are to become a target.

Urban chaos can happen fast. Stay prepared, friends.

In liberty,


Elizabeth Anderson

Preparedness Advisor, My Patriot Supply

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