Climate Lockdowns Are Coming to the US. Prepare Now.

Climate Lockdowns Are Coming to the US. Prepare Now.

We all remember March 2020, when we were placed under lockdown due to the government’s pandemic regulations.

Unless you were deemed essential, you stayed home.

Schools closed. Businesses shuttered. Entertainment venues went silent.

In some places, you weren’t allowed out of your home except for certain times of day – and if you had a pass.

Initially, we thought it would just be a matter of days. Days turned to weeks. Weeks to months.

Now, 3 years later, we can look back in amazement that the government managed to get us to stay home for so long.

Well, the powers-that-be remember, too.

And now there is talk that they may use their knowledge that fear prompts public obedience to lock us down again.

This time instead of flattening the curve, we will be told we are saving the earth.

Climate lockdowns have been discussed for a few years, but, in recent weeks, there has been an increasing push for President Biden to declare a “climate emergency,” giving him enhanced statutory powers that can be renewed over and over again. 

I don’t want to be an alarmist, but as you will see, all signs point to this IS coming.

See for yourself.

Let’s Start at the Source: The WEF

The idea of climate lockdowns, not surprisingly, begins with the World Economic Forum.

The organization has been pushing for a climate-based economy for some time now. In fact, Klaus Schwab’s daughter, Nicole Schwab, is leading the charge for this type of economy. (You can see her thoughts in this video clip.)

The scary thing is, the WEF believes it can convince the public to stay home to reduce carbon emissions.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise though.

Global elites, governments, and local leaders learned a lot about what the public will tolerate thanks to COVID-19 – and, now, they’ve sharpened their tactics to get people to bend to their will.

In 2021, Yuval Noah Harari, an advisor to the WEF, proposed stopping all flights and locking down entire countries as a means to make people “more open to radical ideas about how to deal with climate change.”

In a 2022 article on the WEF website entitled ‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities, they write, “COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.”

The idea is to push “climate lockdowns,” like COVID lockdowns, as well as “My Carbon” initiatives where the public faces increased costs for carbon-intensive activities.

Fear tactics, such as tracking and surveillance, would help make climate lockdowns successful.

But they may not even have to use that much force to get us to go along with their plan.

Get this: A new Pew Research Center survey in 17 advanced economies found widespread concern about the personal impact of global climate change. 80% of citizens polled say they are willing to change how they live and work to combat the effects of climate change.

Back in March, filmmaker Ami Horowitz released a video where he asked average Americans on the streets of LA if they’d support a Covid-style lockdown to bring CO2 levels down.

And guess what?

Almost everyone interviewed agreed climate change is one of the top issues facing humanity today, AND they were open to climate lockdowns if that would help save the planet.

Watch Ami’s video here.

The Push for Lockdowns in the US

It might come as a surprise that US legislation has already been introduced.  

In 2021, Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer introduced legislation (Climate Emergency Act of 2021) that was co-sponsored by 62 congressional Democrats.

This bill would “require the President to declare a national climate emergency under the National Emergencies Act, and for other purposes.”

Require the president. That verbiage comes directly from the bill.

According to the bill:

“The President, in responding to the emergency, must ensure that the government

  • invests in large scale mitigation and resiliency projects;
  • makes investments that enable a racially and socially just transition to a clean energy economy by ensuring that at least 40% of investments flow to historically disadvantaged communities;
  • avoids solutions that increase inequality or violate human rights;
  • creates jobs that conform to labor standards that provide family sustaining wages and benefits and ensure safe workplaces;
  • prioritizes local and equitable hiring and contracting that creates opportunities for marginalized communities;
  • combats environmental injustice; and
  • reinvests in existing public sector institutions and creates new public sector institutions to strategically mobilize and channel investments at the scale and pace required by the national emergency.”

While nothing happened with this piece of legislation, it is out there.

And, in recent weeks, the pressure has been mounting for Biden to take action.

The truth is, Biden doesn’t need this congressional bill to pass.

He can just sign an executive order declaring a “climate emergency” that would grant him powers needed to force lockdowns and the rationing of energy AND food.

That is, unless Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va) and other Republican lawmakers get their way.

The Senator has reintroduced a bill that would prevent Biden from issuing such a declaration.

According to the Senator’s site: “The proposed legislation would prevent Biden from using three primary statutory authorities available (the National Emergencies Act, the Stafford Act, and section 319 of the Public Health Service Act) to declare a national emergency solely on the basis of climate change.

“The bill would not prevent Biden from acting on other national emergencies or major disasters, including hurricanes, flooding, etc.”

The White House’s Stance

Back in July, lawmakers said “the White House informed them it was considering the emergency declaration, though it had not yet decided whether to take the step.”

Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, told reporters on July 19, “The president is going to do everything he can to take action. This climate emergency [decision] is not going to happen tomorrow but we still have it on the table.”

During an interview on August 9, Biden was asked: “Are you prepared to declare a national emergency with respect to climate change?”

His answer: “I’ve already done that. [...] practically speaking, yes.” 

He also added that climate is “THE existential threat to humanity.”

And last week, the president called climate change “an emergency” and said:

“In the coming weeks, I’m going to use the power I have as president and turn these words into formal, official government actions through the appropriate proclamations, executive orders, and regulatory power that the president possesses.”

Mounting Pressure for the US to Declare a Climate Emergency

For some in Congress, Biden isn’t doing enough.

Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.) recently urged Biden to use his emergency authority to enact strong climate change measures.

Markey told Politico, “In the absence of congressional action it is critically important he [Biden] use all of his powers.

In a July 20 article, The Los Angeles Times posed this question: Would an occasional blackout help solve climate change? 

The article argues that living with an occasional blackout would be an acceptable inconvenience to fight climate change – even though a Los Angeles energy official said that “someone dies every time we have a power outage.”

In addition to progressives pushing for Biden to declare a climate emergency, he is also being pressured by other countries.

The UK-based news source The Guardian printed an opinion piece on July 27, 2023, titled “Joe Biden must declare a climate emergency. And he must do so now.

Gas and Oil Execs Anticipate a Declaration

Another sign climate lockdowns are coming is that the U.S. energy industry fears this will be the case.

US Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart recently told Just the News, “They're leaning in that direction. [….] If you grant the president's emergency powers to declare a climate emergency, it's just like COVID.”

Just the News adds, “Stewart also said such a declaration would give the president ‘vast and unchecked authority to shut down everything from communications to infrastructure.’ He said infrastructure would include water and electricity, and that Biden also could freeze assets under such a declaration.”

The UN Created a Climate Emergency Web Page

Another sign this may be coming is that the United Nations created a web page specifically for a “Climate Emergency.”

The opening reads, “The science is clear. The world is in a state of climate emergency, and we need to shift into emergency gear.”

And the White House cooperated with the UN to make it.

See it here.

What Biden’s Presidential Emergency Powers Can Do

According to the Congressional Research Service, presidential emergency powers “may be exercised in the event that the nation is threatened by crisis, exigency, or emergency circumstances.”

In other words, President Biden is legally allowed to use his presidential right to declare an emergency (aka a Climate Emergency).

Politico reports, “Experts say Biden could invoke the 1976 National Emergencies Act to give himself the power to order the manufacture of clean energy technology, deploy renewables on military bases, block crude oil exports or even suspend offshore drilling — though that would require compensation to the owners. Though the law limits emergency declarations to one year, it could be renewed annually to address the increasingly troubling impacts of climate change.”

There are 136 potential powers available to the president upon declaring a national emergency.

Most notable among them is a 2015 law that allows the president to restrict the export of crude oil during a national emergency.

What a Climate Lockdown May Look Like

To have a better understanding of what may be coming, let’s go straight to the source.

According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, “As COVID-19 spread earlier this year, governments introduced lockdowns in order to prevent a public-health emergency from spinning out of control. In the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again – this time to tackle a climate emergency. […] Under a ‘climate lockdown,’ governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently.”

Again, they are pointing to COVID lockdowns as a way to say this is possible.

Climate lockdowns may look like this:

Use What We Learned Before to Prepare Now

Given the signs, it is time to prepare for a lockdown of a different sort.

Use the knowledge you gained from the previous lockdown to make critical decisions today.

For example, supply chain issues will be rampant, so stock up on essentials such as food and seeds.

[See also: How Prepared Are You for Massive Supply Chain Shortages?]

Understand that the government may start rolling blackouts, which is why it is imperative to invest in emergency power and solar tools.

Think back to 2020. What did you wish you had during the lockdown? Get it now.

Know what’s coming and prepare, friends.

In liberty,

Elizabeth Anderson

Preparedness Advisor, My Patriot Supply
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