We’ve already seen how those in power have tried to control social media narratives concerning COVID-19, elections, wars, and social movements. We know that elites want us all on the same page, no...
Imagine waking up to find the internet gone—not just for a few hours, but indefinitely. No emails, no banking apps, no GPS, no Netflix. This isn’t science fiction; it’s a growing possibility. A di...
In times of crisis, theft reflects Maslow's hierarchy of needs, with immediate survival items like food, water, and safety taking priority. Looting and theft are unfortunate realities following na...
During the Cold War, the looming threat of nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union gripped the nation with fear. The United States government, in an effort to prepare its citize...
While we appreciate September as National Preparedness Month, we do not appreciate the advice FEMA shares. Let’s be clear: Everyone should prepare for emergencies. If the National Preparedness Mon...
“If SHTF, I’ll just come to your house!” I can’t tell you the number of times someone has said this to me—or how mad it makes me when I hear it. Unfortunately, we live in a time when people feel e...
I have lost track of the number of times I get asked about prepping on a budget. I get it! Many Americans don’t have a lot of extra money to spend right now. However, we shouldn’t view purchasing ...
Whether you believe in climate change or not, there is something you need to know: America will soon face massive long-term power outages. Storms and climate aren’t the problem... the power grid i...
Some people believe that any bit of prep is better than no prep. While it sounds great in theory, it isn’t necessarily true. The problem is that, if you haven’t lived through a catastrophic emerge...
We don’t know where we would be without the brave men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. All we can do is recognize them and honor them. The same can be said for those who continue to...
Imagine a world where the supply chain crumbles and the grid goes down. For most of us, it would be a catastrophe. But for the Amish, it’s just another day. They'll keep on eating like nothing hap...
Wired recently published a report all about Mark Zuckerberg’s top-secret Hawaii compound, which includes a 5,000-square-foot survival bunker with two mansions, a series of tunnels, and a blast-res...