Urban and suburban veggie gardens are now bad for the environment.
We’re not making this up.
According to a University of Michigan internationally led study, “Fruits and vegetables grown in urban farms and gardens have a carbon footprint that is, on average, six times greater than conventionally grown produce.”
The study cited most of the “climate impacts at urban farms are driven by the materials used to construct them." The study continues, "These farms typically only operate for a few years or a decade, so the greenhouse gases used to produce those materials are not used effectively. Conventional agriculture, on the other hand, is very efficient and hard to compete with.”
Keep reading and then there’s this: “Conventional farms often grow a single crop with the help of pesticides and fertilizers, resulting in larger harvests and a reduced carbon footprint when compared to urban farms.”
So, urban farms use materials for greenhouses and raised beds that have a higher carbon footprint because these gardens don’t stick around for long.
Additionally, they use fewer pesticides and fertilizers so they have a lower yield.
Guess healthy, local produce doesn’t matter when we’re talking about saving the planet.
The Push Toward No Home Gardening

You may think we’re taking a leap from suggesting this study will lead the WEF and other elites to push toward no home gardening, but consider how quickly things have changed for farmers in the Netherlands.
In 2017, National Geographic ran a feature entitled “This Tiny Country Feeds the World” with the tagline: “The Netherlands has become an agricultural giant by showing what the future of farming could look like.”
Fast forward to today.
The European Union and the Dutch government have done a complete 180 and are forcibly buying out farms to "help" the environment.
The Dutch Department for Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality released a map showing which farmland areas had to reduce their emissions and by how much.
The map suggested that in some areas, 95% of farming activity must be stopped.
What was once deemed something amazing is now seen as a serious danger to the environment.
As you can see, it is not just possible for governments to put a stop to food production to “save the environment." It has already happened.
Consider what Justin Loew writes for his local news affiliate: “It is typical for policymakers to use a study like this to make sweeping changes to laws and regulations and then suddenly you are not allowed to garden in the city anymore.”
Jail Time for Gardening?

We’ve talked for years now about the US government regulating farmers out of business.
According to the Paso Robles Press, “Family farms cannot afford to keep up with increasing regulations involving how their crop is produced and in complying with labor laws — leaving large corporate farms as the only ones who can withstand the increased output.”
But it isn’t just large family farms; there are already many places in the US with laws in place that can land home gardeners in jail.
Earth Island reports, “In 2011, an Oak Park, Michigan, woman was threatened with more than three months in jail for keeping a beautiful, well-manicured, edible garden in her front yard. City officials charged Julie Bass with a misdemeanor, arguing that Bass’s basil, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, and other edible produce were not ‘suitable live plant material.’”
Another example from the same article claims:
Tomatoes — a fruit — are probably fine in Miami Shores, Florida. But vegetables are not. The city code was amended to prohibit growing vegetables in a front yard in 2013. Hermine Ricketts and her husband Tom Carroll had been raising vegetables in their front yard in the city for more than fifteen years. The couple had a host of vegetables growing there — including arugula, cabbage, kale, and onions — when the city changed the code. Days later, a city code enforcement officer showed up at their home and ordered them to rip up their garden or face fines of $50 per day.
These are just two examples of many.
Consider the dates of these examples. These home gardeners were threatened with jail and serious fines more than 10 years ago.
Imagine what the regulations could be like today given the WEF environmental agenda being forced on us.
Between the University of Michigan study and the Davos elites' push toward things like ecocide and regulating how much meat we eat and coffee we drink, we should all be alarmed.
If it wasn’t obvious before, it should be now. They know if they control the food, they control the people.
[Related Read: Ecocide: A Good Idea That Ends in Total Control]
How to Prepare

We don’t know when the government will begin regulating backyard—or front yard—gardens, but there’s a pretty good chance it’s coming.
And that means NOW is the time to prepare.
Reposition Your Garden
It seems crazy to suggest this, but it may be time to consider repositioning your garden out of sight.
If you can’t, look for ways to disguise your garden. Create a boundary with roses or bushes. Grow vertically on the back porch. Move your garden indoors, if possible.
Buy Garden Essentials Before More Regulations Hit
Going back to the University of Michigan study, it cited that the materials used to construct urban gardens have a high carbon footprint.
So, it stands to reason they may start regulating how we construct our gardens.
The time to stock up on gardening essentials is BEFORE strict garden regulations make their way to your community.
- Have a collection of quality gardening tools.
- Keep materials, such as trellises and wood, for garden building.
- Stock up on sprouting seeds and heirloom seeds.
When purchasing seeds, make sure you store them properly so they last as long as possible.
You want your seed packets to last, but they do tend to have a “sow by” date. Different factors, such as storage conditions and types of seeds, affect the shelf life of seeds.
Seeds tend to be “good” for up to two years. After a couple of years, the seeds won’t germinate as well as they would have earlier, unless they are carefully stored.
Cornell Small Farms Program explains, “Many seeds will maintain great germination for three years even in your kitchen cupboard, though there are exceptions. Stored well, some seeds can last centuries.”
Skills to Learn Now
It’s not just a matter of stocking up on sprouting seeds and heirloom seeds; you also need to learn the skills to continue to grow your own food.
Try new composting methods.
Learn to construct makeshift trellises out of string and other materials you have lying around the house.
Become an expert on seed saving so you can continue to grow your own food year after year… and never have to buy seeds again.
Test new growing methods. If regulations become stricter, it may be necessary to grow indoors or in smaller spaces. Do you have the space or knowledge to do so?
Stock up on gardening essentials and grow discreetly, friends.
In liberty,
Elizabeth Anderson
Preparedness Advisor, My Patriot Supply