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Survival Scout Tips

Survival Lessons from the World War II Home Front

Survival Lessons from the World War II Home Front

December 04, 2019 | Food Shortages History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

World War II was the deadliest war in human history, with a death toll of about 70 million people worldwide. As the Axis and Allied powers battled it out in the South Pacific, Europe, Middle East, and Northern Africa, American citizens on the home front came together to support each...

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5 Factors Influencing the Future of Food Security

5 Factors Influencing the Future of Food Security

August 29, 2019 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages | 0 Comments

We recently covered the potential of a future food shortage in the US brought on by low planting rates of key crops such as corn and soybeans following major flooding in the Midwest. However, this weather disaster-induced shortage is just one of many factors currently affecting food security in the...

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Hardships of Jamestown: 3 Universal Lessons

Hardships of Jamestown: 3 Universal Lessons

August 09, 2019 | Food Shortages History of Preparedness Water Preparedness | 0 Comments

If you look back at what life was like for the early colonists and settlers in North America, you’ll find plenty of hardship. The land was wild and undeveloped, the winters brutal, and tensions with local native populations ran high. Although we may never be able to fully relate to...

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The Coming 2019 Food Crisis… and What You Can Do

The Coming 2019 Food Crisis… and What You Can Do

June 13, 2019 | Food Shortages Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

From weather systems and climate cycles to economic systems and civil unrest, the agricultural systems in the U.S. are heavily reliant on many variables and factors beyond our control.  2019 is turning out to be an important reminder of this. In June, news outlets exploded with evidence of a coming...

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Surviving Venezuela: Lessons from a Country in Crisis

Surviving Venezuela: Lessons from a Country in Crisis

March 15, 2019 | Food Shortages National Events Power Outages | 0 Comments

Imagine your power goes out indefinitely for a week. Maybe longer, with no end in sight. Now, imagine that happening to virtually everyone living in your country. While this may have been a mere nightmare in the past,  this was the recent reality in Venezuela.  Venezuela lost power around 5...

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Surviving Valley Forge: 5 Takeaways for Survivalists

Surviving Valley Forge: 5 Takeaways for Survivalists

February 20, 2019 | Food Shortages History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

There are points throughout our country’s history when true patriotism and the will to survive have helped us prevail as a society. For example, the Valley Forge encampment in Pennsylvania during the American Revolution comes immediately to my mind.  As The History Channel explains, “A lack of organization, food and...

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The Only True Long-Term Survival Food Plan - Here's the Secret

The Only True Long-Term Survival Food Plan - Here's the Secret

April 08, 2018 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages | 0 Comments

The global food supply is a vast, complex and ultimately fragile system. For years, news of crop failures, shortages and contaminated foods have been making mainstream news. These disruptions have a direct impact on the food that’s available to us and how much we pay for it at the market....

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30 Million FEMA Meals Never Delivered - Urgent Bulletin to Prepare

30 Million FEMA Meals Never Delivered - Urgent Bulletin to Prepare

April 08, 2018 | Food Shortages National Events Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

"Do not ship another meal.Your contract is terminated." This was the simple, two-line email a rep from FEMA sent to Tiffany Brown, owner and sole operator of Tribute Contracting. Shortly after Hurricane Maria relief efforts were underway, Tribute Contracting was awarded a FEMA contract to deliver 30 million meals to...

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72 Hours From Chaos - Why You Need Seeds

72 Hours From Chaos - Why You Need Seeds

March 30, 2018 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages | 0 Comments

Today, I want to devote an entire Survival Scout to one of my favorite subjects: seeds. Why are we so passionate about seeds at My Patriot Supply? Well, as active participants in the preparedness lifestyle, we know that seeds are the only self-sustaining survival solution for long-term emergencies. The aftermath...

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Disrupting Your Food Supply - It's Easier Than Most Think

Disrupting Your Food Supply - It's Easier Than Most Think

March 28, 2018 | Food Shortages History of Preparedness Survival Skills | 0 Comments

We live in a complex world. Simpler times are clearly behind us. Our nation's food system rests on a complicated network of farms, imports, and distributors with tight delivery timelines that could be thrown off by anything ranging from a drought to international politics. What a difference 400 years makes....

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Shots Fired Were Made of Bread and Chocolate

Shots Fired Were Made of Bread and Chocolate

March 24, 2018 | Food Shortages History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

When most of us remember the Cold War, certain images come to mind. There's the terrifying sight of a mushroom cloud appearing over an American city or Soviet troops marching into Eastern Europe.   Cold War Enemies Yet, the opening salvo of the Cold War was fought through the skies...

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How Can We Lose an Entire Summer?

How Can We Lose an Entire Summer?

March 24, 2018 | Food Shortages History of Preparedness Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

Imagine for a moment how shocking this would be. 1816: The Year Without A Summer You wake up in July expecting a steamy Saturday afternoon relaxing in the backyard. The grill is fired up, the kids are ready to do cannonballs in the pool and yet, instead of hot weather,...

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