A grayed-out weather map of the United States. Weaponized Weather: Is Climate Engineering Being Used Against Us?

Imagine a world where weather can and is be controlled—storms summoned, droughts induced, and climates altered at will. This may sound like science fiction, but it’s becoming a reality. Technologi...

A small crowd of people, bundled up and trekking through a snow storm. The Great Blizzard of 1888: How Cities Survived a Whiteout Disaster

In March 1888, one of the most ferocious winter storms in history pummeled the northeastern United States. Known as “The White Hurricane,” the Great Blizzard of 1888 buried cities like New York, B...

Soldiers battling through the snow during WWII. Battle of the Bulge: How Soldiers Endured the Harshest Winter of WWII

Winston Churchill called The Battle of the Bulge “the greatest American battle of the war.” Fought from December 16, 1944, to January 25, 1945, it was not only the deadliest battle for the U.S. Ar...

An old-fashioned sailing ship on open water. Frozen Peril of 1871: Survival Lessons from the Legendary Whaling Escape

In 1871, a fleet of 32 whaling ships from New England, California, and Hawaii became trapped in Arctic ice near Alaska. After several weeks of watching the ice draw nearer and close in on their sh...

A man in warm clothes stacking cans into a plastic bin in his bunker alongside his dog. Cold War Preparedness: The Fallout Shelter Movement and Modern-Day Survival

During the Cold War, the looming threat of nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union gripped the nation with fear. The United States government, in an effort to prepare its citize...

A group of solider silhouettes on a hill, pictured in black and white. The Siege of Leningrad: 872 Days of Survival Lessons

    One of the longest and deadliest sieges, the Siege of Leningrad, occurred in the Soviet Union during World War II. Not only were those trapped within Leningrad in danger from military forces, ...

Stacks of stone ruins against a sunset sky. 10 Signs You’re Living in a Collapsing Society

Throughout history, mighty civilizations have risen and fallen.  Their collapse wasn't sudden, but a gradual process driven by internal decay.  As historian Will Durant noted: A great civilization...

People in ancient times in the Middle East stacking stones to build a wall. Roman Siege of Masada: Ancient Engineering for Modern Preppers

The Roman Siege of Masada is one of those fascinating stories that continues to teach future generations. If ONLY we listen… Masada is a fortress in Israel, built over 2,000 years ago on top of a ...

An old outdoor table with hardware and survival tools spread across it. 12 Lost Skills the Founders Knew That America Needs Now

Our lives are much easier today than when our forefathers fought for independence. While they strived to be independent and self-reliant, many Americans today increasingly rely on technology. Each...

Soldiers hiking in a snowy forest. 10 Legendary American Warriors: What They Teach about Preparedness

We don’t know where we would be without the brave men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. All we can do is recognize them and honor them. The same can be said for those who continue to...

A galactic image of the sun rising over the Earth. Solar Cycle 25 Is Here: Are You Ready?

Brace yourself for blackouts and the failure of GPS systems, satellites, and internet connection. Solar Cycle 25 is about to rock our world with major solar storms as the cycle reaches its peak. S...

A painting of The Last Supper. Ancient Preparedness Lessons Still True Today

Believe it or not, Jesus knew a thing or two about preparedness. In fact, during the Last Supper, He told his disciples many important things as they ate this meal, including introducing communion...

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