How to Make Bread without Yeast or Flour - My Patriot Supply How to Make Bread without Yeast or Flour

As a result of COVID-19, people are going old-school and baking their own bread. So much so that America is facing a yeast and flour shortage. This is likely the first time in your life when you...

Kitchen Survival: Tips for Storing and Cooking Food - My Patriot Supply Kitchen Survival: Tips for Storing and Cooking Food

As Americans are told to stay home to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, many grocery stores are having a hard time keeping some foods and supplies stocked. In a culture where we’re accustomed to ...

Temperatures Are Dropping...Are You Ready? - My Patriot Supply Temperatures Are Dropping...Are You Ready?

Even with the best-laid plans, we may find ourselves in dangerous and undesirable situations. Maybe it’s losing power for days during a winter storm (even worse if the power company proactively ...

Weather Spotting: Spot a Natural Disaster Before It Hits - My Patriot Supply Weather Spotting: Spot a Natural Disaster Before It Hits

Whether they be tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados, or fires, natural disasters and drastic weather scenarios can wreak havoc on towns and cities.  This is why knowing how to recognize storm pattern...

Survival Fishing Part 4 - My Patriot Supply Survival Fishing Part 4

During a crisis, your food supply will only last so long. To prepare, you’ll need to develop certain skillsets, such as hunting and fishing, to procure sources of nourishment and protein. If you...

5 Ways to Purify Drinking Water in the Event of an Emergency - My Patriot Supply 5 Ways to Purify Drinking Water in the Event of an Emergency

Since the dawn of time, human beings have had to find creative ways to access and consume safe drinking water.  These methods have evolved over time to minimize the risk of illness or poisoning ...

1,425 Days: Survival Lessons from Bosnia - My Patriot Supply 1,425 Days: Survival Lessons from Bosnia

Overall view of downtown Grbavica, a neighbourhood in Sarajevo. (Camera Operator: LT. STACEY WYZKOWSKI Date Shot: 19 Mar 1996) As a westernized and modern country, Bosnia hosted the Olympic games...

A Guide to Raising Your Own Poultry - My Patriot Supply A Guide to Raising Your Own Poultry

Maybe it’s road closures to your nearby grocery store…  Or food shortages related to a collapsed economy and extreme price inflation like we are seeing in Venezuela…  Whatever the situation, hob...

Earthquake Predictions and Preparedness - My Patriot Supply Earthquake Predictions and Preparedness

When you think about earthquakes, it’s likely you envision the West Coast—specifically in California. It’s no wonder—thanks to the San Andreas Fault, both California and Nevada experience the mo...

6 Survival Tips from The Road - My Patriot Supply 6 Survival Tips from The Road

Still From "The Road" Imagine waking up and life as you know it has changed drastically. Most of the people you know are now dead. Stores are closed. Basic supplies and food aren’t available. ...

Survival Lessons from Squanto & the Pilgrims - My Patriot Supply Survival Lessons from Squanto & the Pilgrims

As we near the end of November, the excitement and preparations for Thanksgiving are kicking into high gear. Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down around the table with loved ones and indulging in turk...

Lessons from the Northeast Blackout of 2003 - My Patriot Supply Lessons from the Northeast Blackout of 2003

Sometimes, the smallest of actions can create a ripple affecting an extremely large system. That’s exactly what happened in 2003 when the northeastern United States was hit with a major power ou...

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