Looks Like the Power Will Be Out... For Years - My Patriot Supply Looks Like the Power Will Be Out... For Years

Electricity is something we take for granted. Most of us have even experienced power outages and lived through them (even slept through them). Yet, there lurks a deeper, darker threat that goes ...

Preparing for If Chaos Destroys the Establishment Preparing for If Chaos Destroys the Establishment

Walk with me a bit today. Let's take a moment and pretend to take some steps down a course some say is coming. Regardless of your politics, it's smart to stay aware and read news from a variety of ...

72 Hours From Chaos - Why You Need Seeds - My Patriot Supply 72 Hours From Chaos - Why You Need Seeds

Today, I want to devote an entire Survival Scout to one of my favorite subjects: seeds. Why are we so passionate about seeds at My Patriot Supply? Well, as active participants in the preparedness ...

Why Billionaires Are Now Preparing - My Patriot Supply Why Billionaires Are Now Preparing

Today, I want to talk about an interesting "trend" that was brought to my attention recently. Billionaires' Bunker Swimming Pool It's about the super-rich, and their renewed rush to get prepar...

Chaos Brewing? Don't Wait for the World to Boil Over Chaos Brewing? Don't Wait for the World to Boil Over

When in wait and see mode... Have you ever got that feeling that you might be dreaming, even though you know you are fully awake? Or perhaps it's the world that is sleeping, and we're just waitin...

What Presidential Promises Mean for Preparedness What Presidential Promises Mean for Preparedness

Here at My Patriot Supply, we have a deep passion for the lessons that history can teach us. This message needs repeating These lessons from history inform who we are as a company and how we advi...

Learn From Those Who've Come Before: The Story of Patriot Larry Learn From Those Who've Come Before: The Story of Patriot Larry

As we all prepare for the year ahead, we thought some inspiration was in order. Meet Patriot Larry When we plan ahead, we need to be reminded exactly why we lead a lifestyle of preparedness and s...

Food Garden My Patriot Supply - Self-Reliance Planner

Happy New Year! We hope your Christmas holiday was wonderful. Ready for the New Year? In our first Survival Scout of 2017, we thought we'd do something special that will help you prepare for the ...

Merry Christmas: The Meaning Behind the Message Merry Christmas: The Meaning Behind the Message

Since it is the Christmas season, I know your time will be best spent with family and friends. That's why I'll be brief today. I wanted to share a short message about why saying "Merry Christmas" ...

Learn 4 Essential Survival Tips From Winter's Past - Including 1888 Learn 4 Essential Survival Tips From Winter's Past - Including 1888

With major winter storms and arctic blasts crossing the nation, it seems a good time to learn from some brutal seasonal weather events that plagued our forefathers. Harsh winters threatened pioneer...

One Simple Piece of Preparedness Wisdom One Simple Piece of Preparedness Wisdom

With Christmas nearing and another year coming to a close, I thought I'd share a small but powerful piece of wisdom and reflection we could all use right about now. The reason for this season is ce...

Thanksgiving The Godmother of Thanksgiving, Sarah Josepha Hale, Prepared

Consider sharing today's Survival Scout story with a few friends who'd appreciate an inspiring, pick-me-up. You'll also learn about what Mary Had a Little Lamb had to do with Thanksgiving and prep...

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