Facing the Perfect Storm. Are You Prepared?

Facing the Perfect Storm. Are You Prepared?

missles pointed at the sky with clouds

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are several things on the horizon that you need to prepare for.

Individually, these things are scary enough.

But, when you consider them occurring at the same time or back to back, you can see we may very well have a SHTF situation on our hands.

It’s understandable to want to bury your head in the sand and ignore the news. Especially when we are less than trusting of news sources.

But the best way to prepare is to stay aware.

It doesn't have to be all doom and gloom either.

If you have an idea about the threats on the horizon, you can start taking steps to survive everything from small inconveniences to worldwide disasters.

When everyone else is surprised by these threats, you’ll have your pantry full of long-term emergency food, a box of batteries and solar-powered tools, and a survival mindset.

Your knowledge about what is happening better prepares you to take care of your loved ones when the time comes.

Again, each of these is worrisome on its own. The culmination of these possible threats is horrifying.

Read on to see why it’s time to take action.

The Possibility of Nuclear War

Potassium Iodide Anti Radiation Tablets

On July 30, 2023, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned that Moscow will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if Ukraine starts to appear successful in its attempts to recapture “Russian land.”

He stated, “If we imagine that the offensive of the [Ukrainian Nazis] with the support of NATO was successful and they seized part of our land, then we would have to, by virtue of the rules of the decree of the President of Russia dated 06/02/2020, go for the use of nuclear weapons.”

Vladimir Putin claims Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons. President Joe Biden has even warned that if Russia used nuclear weapons, it would potentially be Armageddon.

The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine is not lessening, which means Russia is getting closer to fulfilling its nuclear weapons threat. For example, just this past week, Ukrainian drones attacked Moscow and stopped traffic at an airport.

It’s wise to get some potassium iodide anti-radiation tablets.

United States Preparing for War with China

China recently pulled a sudden reversal to their farming policies, which many believe is an effort to boost food security because they are preparing to go to war with Taiwan.

But what if they are actually preparing to go to war with the United States?

And if so, would WE even be prepared?

Politico claims, “China dramatically escalated both its military spending and aggressive rhetoric against Taiwan. In the last year, the U.S. has allocated nearly $50 billion in security aid to Kyiv, possibly cutting further into its deterrent against China.”

Now, let’s go back to China preparing to go to war with Taiwan. The US has pledged to arm up Taiwan should this happen… that’s when things could really go south.

Threats to Food Security

a hand holding grain and a ukranian flag in front of the field

We have been raising the alarm about America’s lack of food security due to recent events.

Here’s a reminder of what is threatening America’s food supply:

  • Russia backed out of the Black Sea Deal, so there is less access to grain. [Read more]
  • El Nino is causing rice production to suffer.
  • Heavy government regulations are forcing farmers to quit farming.
  • Seed programs are being outlawed. [And it’s why you need heirloom seeds in your possession ASAP.]
  • There is a big push toward lab-created food by billionaires who own much of the US farmlands.
  • In addition to billionaires buying up US farmland, so is China.
  • There has been an alarming number of food plant fires recently.
  • There has been an unsettling number of cyberattacks in the food and beverage sector, including transportation.
  • Even water plants are being attacked by cybercriminals. [A major reason to invest in water filtration tools.]

Banning Certain School Programs

Here’s something that will make you go “huh?”

The Biden administration recently blocked federal funding earmarked under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 for schools with hunting and archery programs.

The Department of Education determined school hunting and archery classes should no longer receive federal funding because the new legislation “prohibits ESEA funds from helping provide any person with a dangerous weapon or to provide training in the use of a dangerous weapon.”

It’s important to note that these educational courses aim to teach students how to be good, responsible stewards – not the other way around.

Debanking the Opposition

We are seeing more and more conservatives debanked due to their political opinions.

Chase Bank just recently debanked Mercola Market, which is owned by Dr. Joseph Mercola, who has “unacceptable” ideas about the COVID vaccine.

Not only did they debank the business, but they also debanked Mercola and some of his family members and employees.

Note – This is not the first case. This is an ongoing threat to those who have opposing views. Beginning in 2019, certain personalities have been debanked by Chase and other banking institutions.

Fighting against Free Speech

A man's face wearing a piece of tape over his mouth

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren and Republican Senator Lindsay Graham are pushing a new Senate bill that would create a new federal agency specifically in charge of social media.

This new Digital Consumer Protection Commission would have the ability to censor free speech on social media and control it.

In addition, there is another bill called the Digital Platform Commission Act of 2023 going through Congress.

New Pandemic Concerns

In the past couple of weeks, we became aware of a new permanent office within the Executive Office of the President.

This office is the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy.

According to The White House, “This will be a permanent office in the Executive Office of the President (EOP) charged with leading, coordinating, and implementing actions related to preparedness for, and response to, known and unknown biological threats or pathogens that could lead to a pandemic or to significant public health-related disruptions in the United States. OPPR will take over the duties of the current COVID-19 Response Team and Mpox Team at the White House and will continue to coordinate and develop policies and priorities related to pandemic preparedness and response.”

Why we actually need this position (and why now) is concerning.

Either way, if they decide to lock us down again, we need to learn from 2020. Have supplies on hand, including food.

Climate Lockdowns

Remember how we were forced to stay inside due to COVID restrictions?

Now, the WEF believes they can convince the public to stay home to reduce carbon emissions.

The idea is to push “climate lockdowns,” similar to COVID lockdowns. Using fear tactics, such as tracking and surveillance, would help climate lockdowns be successful.

Klaus Schwab’s daughter, Nicole Schwab, is pushing for this type of climate-based economy. You can see her thoughts in this video clip.


Another warning from China – the US has clear reasons to worry about a cyberattack by China based on their recent cyber activities, such as hacking a US ambassador’s email account. It appears to have been part of a targeted intelligence-gathering campaign.

Currently, China is our biggest adversary when it comes to cyberspace. The FBI has said Beijing has a larger hacking program than all other governments combined.

Stay aware and prepare, friends.

In liberty,

Elizabeth Anderson

Preparedness Advisor, My Patriot Supply

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