Hands opening an empty wallet. Financial Repression: The Government’s Secret Weapon against Freedom

Throughout history, governments have employed various tactics to pay down their debt by stealing from you and me. It’s called financial repression. And just like the name sounds, it’s a way to mai...

A dark city with some lights on and police cars driving around. Is the Police State Already Here?

As Americans, we value our privacy. But our personal information isn’t as private as we think it is. Our government has been gathering data on us for years.  And with data companies collecting and...

Database center glowing in a dark room. The Digital Public Infrastructure: A Giant Digital Gulag

Do you ever hear something and think it sounds so crazy that it must be true?  That’s how I felt when I listened to award-winning journalist Alex Newman on “The Glenn Beck Podcast” this past week....

A team of horses pulling harm equipment on Amish land. Food Independence Lessons from the Amish

Imagine a world where the supply chain crumbles and the grid goes down. For most of us, it would be a catastrophe. But for the Amish, it’s just another day. They'll keep on eating like nothing hap...

A painting of The Last Supper. Ancient Preparedness Lessons Still True Today

Believe it or not, Jesus knew a thing or two about preparedness. In fact, during the Last Supper, He told his disciples many important things as they ate this meal, including introducing communion...

A row of fresh, green vegetables in a greenhouse. Should You Keep Your Garden on the Down-Low?

Urban and suburban veggie gardens are now bad for the environment.  We’re not making this up.  According to a University of Michigan internationally led study, “Fruits and vegetables grown in urba...

A dried-up field with a plastic tube running through. Water Wars: The Next Global Conflict Over Diminishing Freshwater Resources

Water wars aren’t new. But they’re reaching all-time highs—and hitting closer to home.  There were 344 instances of water-related conflicts worldwide during 2022 and the first half of 2023. Final ...

A photorealistic view of the Earth, half of it on fire. Ecocide: A Good Idea That Ends in Total Control

People in Flint, Michigan, suffered—and some are still suffering—from water contamination in their municipal water supply. Yet no public officials have ever been held criminally responsible for th...

A line of cows on a dirt road in a field. Beef Shortages Are Coming – Prepare Now

There’s a beef shortage coming. In February 2024, the USDA announced that the American beef industry hit a record low with beef cattle inventory dropping to 28.2 million this year—the lowest level...

Facial recognition system identifying people on city street. Digital IDs: This Is How the Elites Take Everything from Us

What exactly have we traded for convenience?  Well, we’re about to find out if digital IDs are implemented.  Digital IDs will usher in a dystopian future that poses the gravest threat to human rig...

A person in a white shirt holding a bounteous harvest of colorful vegetables. 10 Veggies That Produce the Highest Yield

When it comes to taking care of yourself and your loved ones, food is your top priority. Unfortunately, too many rely on grocery stores, meal delivery services, and the fragile supply chain for fo...

4 Scariest Choke Points in the US Supply Chain 4 Scariest Choke Points in the US Supply Chain

Many Americans have become a little too comfortable with getting what they want when they want it.  If they need a food item, they head to the grocery store. If they order a product online, it’s ...

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