A hollywood style chair sitting amongst burning rubble. What Is Hollywood Really Preparing Us For?

On February 22, 2024, I was anxiously awaiting news that my sister-in-law safely delivered twins. The phone call didn’t come until long after the twins had arrived. That’s because AT&T experie...

Facial recognition system identifying people on city street. Digital IDs: This Is How the Elites Take Everything from Us

What exactly have we traded for convenience?  Well, we’re about to find out if digital IDs are implemented.  Digital IDs will usher in a dystopian future that poses the gravest threat to human rig...

A person in a white shirt holding a bounteous harvest of colorful vegetables. 10 Veggies That Produce the Highest Yield

When it comes to taking care of yourself and your loved ones, food is your top priority. Unfortunately, too many rely on grocery stores, meal delivery services, and the fragile supply chain for fo...

20 Must-Have Tools for Self-Reliance 20 Must-Have Tools for Self-Reliance

  Every good survivalist knows there are certain tools you need to survive almost any situation. Whether SHTF or a storm knocks out the power, these 20 tools will help you stay self-reliant. #1 De...

Lessons from the WWII Ghost Army: How to Protect Your Home with Decoy Tactics Lessons from the WWII Ghost Army: How to Protect Your Home with Decoy Tactics

We’re all familiar with the story of The Trojan Horse and how it allowed soldiers to infiltrate enemy lines in secret. It’s a popular story - and for good reason. However, my favorite war decoy ...

America’s Power Grid Is Built to Fail America’s Power Grid Is Built to Fail

What if our power grid suddenly went down? What would you do if everything in your world turned off? If you think it’s something out of a sci-fi movie, think again. It’s closer to reality than you...

Why Your Neighbors Could Be a Bigger Threat Than You Think Why Your Neighbors Could Be a Bigger Threat Than You Think

As much as we want to be friendly and love our neighbors, this may be more dangerous than we realize. We notice our neighbors’ habits – even if we are merely acquaintances. We notice who gets tons...

How to Build Your Barter Supply Line How to Build Your Barter Supply Line

We are years removed from the disaster that was 2020, but supply chain issues remain.  While the pandemic wasn’t the first time supply chain issues came into the spotlight, it was a reminder of jus...

Stay Incognito: Top Tips to Evade Facial Recognition Technology Stay Incognito: Top Tips to Evade Facial Recognition Technology

There are many things we do because we believe they make our lives easier. For example, it’s a lot quicker to access your phone using facial recognition than it is to put in a passcode or even a t...

Unconventional Agriculture: Hydroponics, Aquaponics, and Vertical Farming Unconventional Agriculture: Hydroponics, Aquaponics, and Vertical Farming

America has some serious food supply and agriculture issues. The ongoing supply chain issues, geopolitics, and inflation prices are enough to make anyone want to grow their own food. When you add ...

5 Things to Do Immediately after SHTF 5 Things to Do Immediately after SHTF

The first few minutes and hours after a disaster are critical. What you do or don’t do immediately after will significantly affect your chances of survival. SHTF encompasses all sorts of scenarios...

15 Steps to Take Immediately after an EMP Event 15 Steps to Take Immediately after an EMP Event

What once was something we could only imagine is now something we need to prepare for. I’m talking about an EMP event. In 2011, Newt Gingrich raised the alarm about EMPs and how damaging one would...

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