Survival Scout Tips
The Climate Isn’t the Problem. America’s Grid Is.
Whether you believe in climate change or not, there is something you need to know: America will soon face massive long-term power outages. Storms and climate aren’t the problem... the power grid is the problem. Our grid is not ready for what’s coming. They can blame the weather all they want, but...
10 Most Common Holes in Your Preparedness Plan (It’s Worse Than You Think)
Some people believe that any bit of prep is better than no prep. While it sounds great in theory, it isn’t necessarily true. The problem is that, if you haven’t lived through a catastrophic emergency, you can easily overlook things that you really need. Just recently, my family simulated a...
Top Biofuels You Can Find in Your Backyard
Fire is essential for survival—especially in a grid-down disaster or when the power is out for an extended period of time. Sure you can cook over an open fire, but there’s a better way to ensure you stay warm and fed no matter the situation. Biomass stoves and ovens powered...
The Danger of Smart Cities: They May Cost You Your Freedom
Once upon a time, the cartoon The Jetsons, the movie The Terminator, and the computer game The Sims all were viewed as entertainment. But with the rise of smart cities, these forms of entertainment seem more like a prophecy. As the government utilizes more advanced technology and the Internet of...
2024 Bird Flu Outbreaks: Massive Poultry Losses and Food Supply Threats
Currently, there is an unprecedented surge of bird flu cases in North America that should be deeply troubling to anyone who cares about their food security. Of course, the mainstream media won’t connect the dots for you, but here are the facts: According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 92.34...
Financial Repression: The Government’s Secret Weapon against Freedom
Throughout history, governments have employed various tactics to pay down their debt by stealing from you and me. It’s called financial repression. And just like the name sounds, it’s a way to maintain their power, control our finances, and benefit at the expense of "we the people." Some of the...
10 Legendary American Warriors: What They Teach about Preparedness
We don’t know where we would be without the brave men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. All we can do is recognize them and honor them. The same can be said for those who continue to serve our country. This Memorial Day, we hope you can...
Is the Police State Already Here?
As Americans, we value our privacy. But our personal information isn’t as private as we think it is. Our government has been gathering data on us for years. And with data companies collecting and selling data to the government, it is even easier for the powers that be to know where...
Solar Cycle 25 Is Here: Are You Ready?
Brace yourself for blackouts and the failure of GPS systems, satellites, and internet connection. Solar Cycle 25 is about to rock our world with major solar storms as the cycle reaches its peak. Solar Cycle 25 began its 11-year cycle in 2019, with the highest level of activity occurring now...
The Digital Public Infrastructure: A Giant Digital Gulag
Do you ever hear something and think it sounds so crazy that it must be true? That’s how I felt when I listened to award-winning journalist Alex Newman on “The Glenn Beck Podcast” this past week. He went into detail discussing the 50-in-5 campaign—headed by the UN and Bill Gates—that...
Food Independence Lessons from the Amish
Imagine a world where the supply chain crumbles and the grid goes down. For most of us, it would be a catastrophe. But for the Amish, it’s just another day. They'll keep on eating like nothing happened, because they’ve truly mastered food independence. With a population of about a quarter...
Do You Have a Survival Retreat Plan? If Not, Get One ASAP.
Wired recently published a report all about Mark Zuckerberg’s top-secret Hawaii compound, which includes a 5,000-square-foot survival bunker with two mansions, a series of tunnels, and a blast-resistant door. Whether we agree with Zuckerberg’s politics or not, we can agree with him on the need to prepare. And though most of us do not...