A hollywood style chair sitting amongst burning rubble. What Is Hollywood Really Preparing Us For?

On February 22, 2024, I was anxiously awaiting news that my sister-in-law safely delivered twins. The phone call didn’t come until long after the twins had arrived. That’s because AT&T experie...

20 Survival Lessons from the Radioflash Trailer - My Patriot Supply 20 Survival Lessons from the Radioflash Trailer

2019's Radioflash, a movie about survival after an electromagnetic pulse kills power to more than 200 million people in the Western U.S., is looking like a film ahead of its time these days. The...

15 Unique Uses for a Generator You Haven’t Thought Of 15 Unique Uses for a Generator You Haven’t Thought Of

Many people associate generators with power outages following natural disasters. While this is a perfect reason to invest in a generator, there are so many other situations where a generator can s...

15 Hottest Christmas Gifts for 2023. Prepare Now! 15 Hottest Christmas Gifts for 2023. Prepare Now!

Those with a preparedness mindset know how important it is to prepare early—not just for emergency situations, but for most things in life. And yes, that includes Christmas shopping. Where better ...

Stay Incognito: Top Tips to Evade Facial Recognition Technology Stay Incognito: Top Tips to Evade Facial Recognition Technology

There are many things we do because we believe they make our lives easier. For example, it’s a lot quicker to access your phone using facial recognition than it is to put in a passcode or even a t...

5 Things to Do Immediately after SHTF 5 Things to Do Immediately after SHTF

The first few minutes and hours after a disaster are critical. What you do or don’t do immediately after will significantly affect your chances of survival. SHTF encompasses all sorts of scenarios...

Top 10 Survival Scout Articles of 2022 Top 10 Survival Scout Articles of 2022

According to some, 2022 was supposed to be the year the world finally recovered from the chaos of the COVID era. Clearly, that didn’t happen. Rather than recovery, the last year has presented new ...

Cooking without Power: What Most  of Us Are Doing Wrong... Cooking without Power: What Most of Us Are Doing Wrong...

There is a big, glaring weakness in almost every prepper’s supply. It’s an issue that most people aren’t even aware of until they’re in the thick of a disaster…and then it’s too late. The weakness...

10 Items Even the Most Hardcore Preppers Are Missing in Their Bug-Out Bags 10 Items Even the Most Hardcore Preppers Are Missing in Their Bug-Out Bags

  If you find yourself having to quickly escape your current environment, you need a bug-out bag. This is common knowledge. However, there are some very important items that even the most seasoned...

10 Things the Military Invented That Every Prepper Needs 10 Things the Military Invented That Every Prepper Needs

This Memorial Day, as we honor the brave men and women who lost everything serving our country, let’s take some time to reflect on how the military has advanced our lives. In addition to their g...

Understanding Weather and Evacuation Warnings Understanding Weather and Evacuation Warnings

Summer is the season of wildfires, severe thunderstorms, and hurricanes. Just this week, the town of Lytton was hit with a record-breaking heatwave that helped spark an instantaneous blaze which...

10 Most-Popular Survival Scout Articles of 2020 - My Patriot Supply 10 Most-Popular Survival Scout Articles of 2020

Our Top 10 Most-Popular Survival Scout Articles of 2020 Contain the Best Info ---- Get the Vital Information You Need to Know for the Year Ahead 1. Why a One-Year Food Supply Is Critical for Su...

MPS Survival Scout & Deals
